Bayly Avenue is the only public access into the Karratha Airport, a significant road with high traffic and used by passengers and freight services. Originally constructed in 1984, this 30+ year old road was recently identfied as requiring improvements.

The Bayly Avenue is one of the Corps EnviRoad projects. This project utilised over 30,000 tonnes of locally recycled and repurposed material waste material.

By removing the need for 30,000 tonnes of new and virgin materials, Corps removed the need for transportation vehicles (85 tonne each truck) and their allotted 352
trips – (85 tonne of material per vehicle x 50 kms round trips). These trips would have
consumed over 20,000 litres of fuel and created a significant amount of carbon emissions.

Corps is proud that the City of Karratha supported the decision to invest more sustainable sustainable initiatives and outcomes for the Karratha community.

City of Karratha
12 Months

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